Policy Paper on Reporting & Help-seeking Mechanisms for Violence Against Children in Malaysia

Evident supported the UNICEF Malaysia Country Office to research and consolidate the data regarding reporting mechanisms for violence against children in the Malaysian context for a brief policy paper to inform their government advocacy.   This assignment included a rapid mapping of the current reporting infrastructure in Malaysia mechanisms – including helplines and reporting hotlines/portals and the broader child protection infrastructure for responding to violence against children, including CSEA. It further explored the global research evidence and regional good practice examples.   The paper distilled this evidence, to articulate ten concrete actions that could underscore advocacy to government for practical improvements to the reporting mechanisms for violence against children in Malaysia.

Paper: Barriers for boys in accessing supports for sexual exploitation

Mark Kavenagh co-authored this peer-reviewed paper together with Nicholas Hua and Christine Wekerle from McMaster University in Canada. The paper provides a gender norms analysis of the data presented in the ten country reports published as part of ECPAT International’s ground-breaking Global Boys Initiative. The paper synthesizes analysis of legal frameworks with findings from a survey of front line social support workers to name themes, challenges and present solutions You can download the full paper here.

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