Policy Paper on Reporting & Help-seeking Mechanisms for Violence Against Children in Malaysia

Evident supported the UNICEF Malaysia Country Office to research and consolidate the data regarding reporting mechanisms for violence against children in the Malaysian context for a brief policy paper to inform their government advocacy.   This assignment included a rapid mapping of the current reporting infrastructure in Malaysia mechanisms – including helplines and reporting hotlines/portals and the broader child protection infrastructure for responding to violence against children, including CSEA. It further explored the global research evidence and regional good practice examples.   The paper distilled this evidence, to articulate ten concrete actions that could underscore advocacy to government for practical improvements to the reporting mechanisms for violence against children in Malaysia.

Paper: CSEA Disclosure and Help-Seeking – A Glimpse of the Global South Data

This peer-reviewed article in Child Abuse Review by Dr Mark Kavenagh and Dr Kati Maternowska analyses data from large-scale population surveys in 20 global South countries to understand why young people disclose child sexual exploitation and abuse (CSEA), or more importatnly, why they don’t. For example, only 1-10% of children in countries like Haiti, Honduras, and Uganda received services after disclosing sexual violence. That doesn’t provide great motivation to speak about such a sensitive and difficult topic. Read the paper here: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/car.2887

Report: Safe Online Grantee Forum for Southeast Asia and Pacific

Evident provided note-taking support during this one-day forum in Bangkok where representatives from 21 projects addressing online child sexual exploitation and abuse met to share results, regional trends, challenges and successes. Following the event, we developed a summary report that consolidated the discussions against four themes, and focused on identifying points of agreement and divergence in project results, naming emerging trends, and steering future priorities and actions. Learn more here: https://safeonline.global/a-day-of-learning-networking-and-problem-solving/

Are We Remembering the Boys?

Dr. Mark Kavenagh, recently made an appearance on the ‘One in Ten’ podcast by the National Children’s Alliance. In this compelling episode titled “Are We Remembering the Boys?”, he sheds light on a vital, yet often overlooked aspect of the discourse surrounding sexual exploitation – the experiences of boys. While there is no denying the fact that girls across the globe are disproportionately vulnerable to both sexual abuse and exploitation, Mark emphasized the reality that sexual violence does not discriminate by gender. Boys, too, are victims, but they often face unique stigmas and burdens that can hinder their path to healing. Listen to the full episode here.

Swipe Safe: Online Safety Training Curriculum for Vietnam, Cambodia, Timor-Leste and Indonesia

Evident revised and refreshed Child Australia’s innovative training curriculum for young people, parents and child protection professionals. The new toolkits refreshed and updated materials for young people and parents, and created a new package for child protection professionals. Our team consulted draft materials with staff in four country offices, and coordinated the translation, contextualization and professional layouts of all materials. Further information about ChildFund Swipe Safe can be found here.

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