Special Issue of Child Abuse & Neglect: Global Insights on the Sexual Exploitation of Boys

This Special Issue of Child Abuse and Neglect includes six new empirical papers that shed new light on the sexual exploitation of boys. Research on the sexual exploitation of boys that predominantly represents lower- and middle-income countries is showcased. The issue begins with a global systematic scoping literature review that identified 81 publications from 38 countries on the topic. The papers include two on which Mark Kavenagh was a co-author. You can access the issue here. Thanks to the generous support of Oak Foundation, all papers in the issue are open access.

Swipe Safe: Online Safety Training Curriculum for Vietnam, Cambodia, Timor-Leste and Indonesia

Evident revised and refreshed Child Australia’s innovative training curriculum for young people, parents and child protection professionals. The new toolkits refreshed and updated materials for young people and parents, and created a new package for child protection professionals. Our team consulted draft materials with staff in four country offices, and coordinated the translation, contextualization and professional layouts of all materials. Further information about ChildFund Swipe Safe can be found here.

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