Over five months of coaching and support, the team at Evident supported programming staff, together with communications staff from seven ChildFund country offices in South and Southeast Asia. Together, we identified and crafted seven narratives that showcased country office’s existing and new programmatic work regarding online safety. Based on these narratives, the team drafted a range of comms products that the country offices could use to articulate these narratives via public and media engagements, advocacy work with government, and other activities within the organisations broader global Web Safe and Wise campaign.
Category: Portfolio
Special Issue of Child Abuse & Neglect: Global Insights on the Sexual Exploitation of Boys
This Special Issue of Child Abuse and Neglect includes six new empirical papers that shed new light on the sexual exploitation of boys. Research on the sexual exploitation of boys that predominantly represents lower- and middle-income countries is showcased. The issue begins with a global systematic scoping literature review that identified 81 publications from 38 countries on the topic. The papers include two on which Mark Kavenagh was a co-author. You can access the issue here. Thanks to the generous support of Oak Foundation, all papers in the issue are open access.
Sexual consent and young people
It is commonly argued that establishing a minimum age at which individuals can legally consent to sexual activity helps protect children from sexual violence. However legislation can lead to unintended circumstances other than the desired effect of protecting children from being subjected to sexual offences by adults, including criminalization of sex between same aged peers. Evident’s Director, Dr Mark Kavenagh, took part in a recent discussion hosted by the Our Voices University Network to unpack some of the issues and possible solutions to these concerns. You can read the blog they developed here.
Participation of boys in research on child sexual abuse and exploitation
Research on child sexual exploitation and abuse must safely include children’s perspectives yet there is still a tendency to shy away from such participation, and this can be especially true for boys and young men. Evident’s Director, Dr Mark Kavenagh took part in a recent discussion hosted by the Our Voices University Network to unpack some of the barriers to boys participation in research on these topics. You can read key points from the discussion here.